Room 10 Winton School

Monday, March 12, 2012

Term 1 Week 7

Activity 1:  READING

·      You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
·      Record your nightly reading in the back of your book

Activity 2:  SPELLING

·      You have 10 words to learn for Friday’s test. Practice your words EACH night for success.
·      A good way to learn your words is the following for each word:
·      Copy the word – Read – Cover – Spell – Check if correct.
·      Practice your words in your book

Activity 3: MATHS

Dragon Maths Book 4 page 76 - Area
Dragon Maths Book 5 page 75 - Perimeter & Area 1

Activity 4: 
Choose a HOW or WHY question for your Explanation Report on the Solar System.
In your Homework book:

1.    Write your HOW or WHY question.

2.    Make a mindmap of the other 3-4 questions you want to investigate.

3.    List where you can find your information (books, internet, people)

4.    List what visuals can you use with your explanation e.g. diagrams, maps, charts, tables 



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