Room 10 Winton School

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Homework Term 1 Week 6

- Athletics Day on Wednesday 7 March (weather permitting). Bring your Winton School PE top and black shorts, sneakers, packed lunch, water bottle, top/warm jacket for the day. Know the order of your events for the day. Best of luck to you all - jump high, throw far and run fast!
- Swimming - Monday & Friday 
- $2 for the High School Superstars show on Monday please.
- Good luck to Meg, Tristin, Damen and Adam H (year 8) at the Kids Lit Quiz in Gore on Friday!

Activity 1:  READING


·      You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
·      Record your nightly reading in the back of your book - many of you forgot this last week!

Activity 2:  SPELLING

·      You have 10 words to learn for Friday’s test. Practice your words EACH night for success.
·      A good way to learn your words is the following for each word:
·      Copy the word – Read – Cover – Spell – Check if correct.
·      Practice your words in your book
Activity 3: MATHS


·      Dragon Maths Book 5 page 5 - Basic Facts 2 
·      Dragon Maths Book 4 Page 5 - Making Adjustments
·      Please do your work in pencil

Activity 4: World Education Games - 
Take some time to practice your skills before the following game days:
World Spelling Day - Tuesday 6th March
World Maths Day - Wednesday 7th March
World Science Day - Thursday 8th March (you may need to download the correct programme for this to work- check with your parents first!)

Activity 5: Completing last weeks task
Many people did not read the instructions properly in the task relating to the National Standards phamplet. Please complete this week if you need too!
The task was:
For EACH learning area write down 3 things you can do at home to help your learning.
e.g.: Reading – 1. Follow a recipe and cook for the family. 2. Get my parents to read the same book as
me so we can talk about it.

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