Room 10 Winton School

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

                                         of a wimpy kid 
                                        CABIN FEVER            Jeff Kinney

This book is about  a boy named Greg Hefley and he has two brothers called Rodrick and Manny. Greg gets in to big trouble at school he has damaged the school property. He made some posters for a holiday bazaar with lots of fun and games and cheap drummies on the three posters.  So after tea Greg rings his friend Rowley to help him put up the posters in the dark so no one could see, then with no warning it starts to rain and the paint starts to run down the wall so the boys start to panic. One of the Mothers were driving by and seen the paint running down the wall and rang the police. Whats going to happen next? You tell me!

By Alana

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