Room 10 Winton School

Friday, June 8, 2012

Magis kitten a splash forever

This book is about a kitten called Alice and she goes missing.Meg (the owner) she was playing outside with Alice and Meg saw her friend,Kelly, and they got talking.Then when Meg went back to her backyard Alice wasn't there.Meg went to her friends place. Meg knocked on the door and her friend ,Lucy, came out and said hi.Then a kitten that just looked like Alice came out.Meg was talikng and said that that looks like my cat. Lucy said NO she's mine. Meg had a good idea Meg got Alice chipped and they were going to go to the vets to scan to see if she has a chipp in her. So who do you think that should have the cat?

I rate this book a 5/5 and  I would say this book is for 10 and up. 

Ashlee Kidd

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