Room 10 Winton School

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Computer Capers 2012

Computer Capers 2012, Last week for our homework we had to make a story board and some of us from our class got chosen to do a keynote story board. Our keynote will get mailed to and the keynote is about "The New Zealand I admire most.......and Why" The winner will win $50 to the 1st placed student, $30 to the 2nd placed student, $20 to the 3rd placed student and $150 to the winning student's school. On this photo it has the people that got chosen to do Computer Capers working on their keynote. Meg Johnstone,Chloe Scurr, Taliesha Hair, Jane Dyer, Kaitlin Wilson, Adam Hillis, Ben Gilbert, Callum Bryan got chosen to do the keynote.

By Jane Dyer


  1. Nice work Jane, I like how you put what that can win and who was allowed to send it to the judges.

    Chloe Scurr

  2. Awesome Jane,I love how you took your time and effot to make such a detailed post.

