Term 2 Week 2
Homework is aimed to take around 30 minutes per night. Many pupils are involved in a wide range of after school activities (sports practices, music classes, Kip McGarth, dance etc) and it can be difficult to get Homework done some weeks. If you feel your child is finding it difficult to complete some tasks, please contact me at school or my email - belinda@winton.school.nz
- Remember your PE gear Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week.
- To ensure your Homework is marked each Friday...please ensure you hand your book in to be marked!!
Activity 1: Reading
- You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
- Record your nightly reading in the back of your book.
- Remember to read a variety of genre (novels, newspapers, newsletters, internet articles etc)
Activity 2: Spelling
- Practice your spelling words each night for success.
- Do this for each of your spelling words: Copy the word - Read - Cover - Spell - Check if correct.
Activity 3: Dragon Maths: (revision from Mrs Collett's lessons)
Book 4 page 12 - Rounding
Book 5 page 24 - Powers
Activity 4: Cross Country Training
As well as the training we are doing at school, you need to be doing some form of exercise each day to improve your fitness levels for cross country. At least 30 minutes is expected.
Record in your book, what you do each day.
Activities can include: walking or biking to and/or from school, sports practices, dance practices, skateboarding, scootering, shooting netballs or basketballs, trampolining, Wii or be creative!!
Activity 5: NZSL week
This week is NZSL (New Zealand Sign Language Week). Use your knowledge and the notes from your Languages book to do the following with an adult at home:
1. Sign the alphabet
2. Count to 10 (or higher)
3. Introduce yourself and sign your first and last name.
4. Sign at least 4 emotions. e.g: happy, sad, well done, nice etc.
5. TEACH an adult the above things! You can teach each item as you demonstrate if you like
Get them to give you some feedback by WRITING A POST ON THE CLASS BLOG.
I loved teaching my family all about sign language. From all this practise I learned how to spell my full name in sign language, do my numbers up to 20 and do some of the letters of the alphabet.