Room 10 Winton School

Monday, April 23, 2012

Term 2 Week 1
- Welcome back to Term 2! I hope you had a fantastic holiday break and are all set for a busy term!
- Bring your PE gear Tuesday and Thursday and be prepared to Run!

Activity 1: Reading
- You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
- Record your nightly reading in the back of your book.
- Remember to read a variety of genre (novels, newspapers, newsletters, internet articles etc)

Activity 2: Spelling
- Practice your spelling words each night for success.
- Do this for each of your spelling words: Copy the word - Read - Cover - Spell - Check if correct. 

Activity 3: Dragon Maths: (revision from Mrs Collett's lessons)
Book 4 page 5 - 'Making Adjustments'
Book 5 page 6 - 'Strategies + and -'

Activity 4: PrEP money design

- See your PrEP currency sheet for the information you need to know.
- Your designs are due on Friday

Activity 5: ANZAC reporting
- Find an article in the newspaper, on the TV, radio, in a magazine (anywhere) that is related to ANZAC day. If you are going to the ANZAC Dawn Parade on Wednesday morning - you may even want to write about that.
- Write a short report/article about it. It must be written in paragraphs that are correctly structured (an introduction, middle and end) Include a catchy headline and a picture/photo if you can. 
- Remember the key features of reporting include: WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW 
- The best articles will be written onto our class blog. I look forward to hearing them on Friday!

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