Room 10 Winton School

Monday, August 27, 2012

Term 3 Week 6
Technology this week from Monday - Thursday
- Start collecting and packing your camp gear! Any questions please see Miss Brown 
Homework Holiday: Jane

Activity 1: Reading
- You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
- Record your nightly reading in the back of your book.
- Remember to read a variety of genre (novels, newspapers, newsletters, internet articles etc)

Activity 2: Spelling
- Learn your words for Friday's test
- Practice them each night for success!

Activity 3: Mathletics
- Use the gadget link on our blog to log into Mathletics.
- Practice before the official competition starts Tuesday morning.
- Use the rest of the week to compete against other pupils around the world!
- On your blog record your highest level or score. There will be a prize for the highest score/level!

Activity 4: Paralympics Athlete profile
- Use the New Zealand Paralympics gadget on our blog and the official Paralymics gadget to help you with the following task. You can and may have to use other websites 
- Choose a NZ athlete competing in the 2012 Paralympic Games. Complete the following profile on them and put onto your blog. I recommend you copy and paste the area headings:
Athletes name:
Event or events:
Resides: (where they currently live)
Disability they have:
Previous Olympics experience:
Details of their event, rules, how it is competed etc: (check the official Parlympics website for details)
Any other information I could find:
Their result at the 2012 Paralympics: (to be done once their event is completed)


  1. Hi Miss Brown
    For activity 4 do we only put it on our blog or do we put in our homework book to???

    By Chloe

  2. Just on your blog Chloe
    Miss Brown
