Room 10 Winton School

Friday, August 17, 2012


Complete the following tasks by Friday

·      Choose a country that you are interested in and would like to find out more about (Miss Brown will tell you which alphabetical letter you are doing)
·      Use an A4 sheet to present your information. Make it creative and interesting for your audience and add photos/pictures to your presentation
·      It can be typed or handwritten and must be in your own words (as much as possible)
·      You can find out anything you like about your country but the following are compulsory:
1.    Name of your country as a title
2.    Capital city
3.    Continent it is in
4.    National flag and symbol (if applicable)
5.    Language spoken
6.    Main religion
7.    Population
8.    Traditional foods, costumes, traditions etc
9.    National Sports

·      Present your country to the class on Friday. You can share facts, information or anything you found interesting.
·      From the information you share – you are to ask 5 quiz questions to the class about your country. After you quiz them you will read out the answers also – so you must know your country and questions well!

·      Use many resources to collect your information  - internet, atlases, magazines, adults…anywhere!

·      You get to miss TWO Homework tasks when you are the ‘Country Cruiser’

·      Have fun and please ask any questions if you are unsure. Check out the clearfile in our class library of previous Country Cruisers.

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