Room 10 Winton School

Monday, August 27, 2012

Term 3 Week 6
Technology this week from Monday - Thursday
- Start collecting and packing your camp gear! Any questions please see Miss Brown 
Homework Holiday: Jane

Activity 1: Reading
- You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
- Record your nightly reading in the back of your book.
- Remember to read a variety of genre (novels, newspapers, newsletters, internet articles etc)

Activity 2: Spelling
- Learn your words for Friday's test
- Practice them each night for success!

Activity 3: Mathletics
- Use the gadget link on our blog to log into Mathletics.
- Practice before the official competition starts Tuesday morning.
- Use the rest of the week to compete against other pupils around the world!
- On your blog record your highest level or score. There will be a prize for the highest score/level!

Activity 4: Paralympics Athlete profile
- Use the New Zealand Paralympics gadget on our blog and the official Paralymics gadget to help you with the following task. You can and may have to use other websites 
- Choose a NZ athlete competing in the 2012 Paralympic Games. Complete the following profile on them and put onto your blog. I recommend you copy and paste the area headings:
Athletes name:
Event or events:
Resides: (where they currently live)
Disability they have:
Previous Olympics experience:
Details of their event, rules, how it is competed etc: (check the official Parlympics website for details)
Any other information I could find:
Their result at the 2012 Paralympics: (to be done once their event is completed)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Brown Brother - Joshua Iosefo's inspiring speech

This speech is in the form of 'spoken word' - a form of poetry.
Share this inspiring speech with family and friends and get them to comment on it - you may even want to share it on your own blog!

Term 3 Week 6

- CAMP: If you have a wetsuit and booties please add them to your camp equipment list
- PE gear on Thursday for Volleyball
- St John's visit on Thursday to go over basic First Aid to prepare for our upcoming camp.
- Speech practice: Damen and Charlotte (no other Homework is required this week)
Homework Holiday: Ben

Activity 1: Reading
- You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
- Record your nightly reading in the back of your book.
- Remember to read a variety of genre (novels, newspapers, newsletters, internet articles etc)

Activity 2: Spelling
- Learn your words for Friday's test
- Practice them each night for success!

Activity 3: Dragon Maths
Book 4 - page 101 Studying Graphs
Book 5 - page 104 - Statistics Test Section A, B 1-2 only (don't do question 3)

Activity 4: Current Events report
- Choose a current event from the KIWI KIDS NEWS link on our blog. It can either be: Local, National, International, Sporting or from the Odd Spot. Browse through a few articles until you find one that interests you.
- Write a newspaper report on your chosen article.
- It must include: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How.
- Give the article a different headline than it already has. 
- Include a photo or picture.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Complete the following tasks by Friday

·      Choose a country that you are interested in and would like to find out more about (Miss Brown will tell you which alphabetical letter you are doing)
·      Use an A4 sheet to present your information. Make it creative and interesting for your audience and add photos/pictures to your presentation
·      It can be typed or handwritten and must be in your own words (as much as possible)
·      You can find out anything you like about your country but the following are compulsory:
1.    Name of your country as a title
2.    Capital city
3.    Continent it is in
4.    National flag and symbol (if applicable)
5.    Language spoken
6.    Main religion
7.    Population
8.    Traditional foods, costumes, traditions etc
9.    National Sports

·      Present your country to the class on Friday. You can share facts, information or anything you found interesting.
·      From the information you share – you are to ask 5 quiz questions to the class about your country. After you quiz them you will read out the answers also – so you must know your country and questions well!

·      Use many resources to collect your information  - internet, atlases, magazines, adults…anywhere!

·      You get to miss TWO Homework tasks when you are the ‘Country Cruiser’

·      Have fun and please ask any questions if you are unsure. Check out the clearfile in our class library of previous Country Cruisers.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Term 3 Week 5
- Well done to those pupils who MADE THE EFFORT to load their photos onto their blogs for the MADE awards - there are some excellent photos. 
- Central Cup on Wednesday - remember all the gear you need for your sport
- PE gear on Thursday for Volleyball
- Homework Holidays: Damen

Activity 1: Reading
- You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
- Record your nightly reading in the back of your book.
- Remember to read a variety of genre (novels, newspapers, newsletters, internet articles etc)

Activity 2: Spelling
- Learn your words for Friday's test
- Practice them each night for success!

-As part of our ICT Media Awards (which will be presented at the end of this term) I am looking for 2 outstanding photographs to enter.
- Take a variety of photographs of anything you choose (animal, nature, people ...)
- Think about the image size, shape, colour etc.
- The image CANNOT be altered in any way - keep it original.
- Choose your ONE best image to ADD TO YOUR BLOG and write a title/caption for it.

Practice, practice, practice your speech for presentation this week!

- Update your blog with a post about this weeks learning (Central Cup, speeches, etc)
- Add a video from Vimeo of your speech AND your groups PREP advert (these are both on Room 10's vimeo page) 
- Add anything else to improve the quality of your blog!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mini Olympics

On Friday we had a Mini Olympics. Where we had to bring our countries flag colours so that we could get changed at school. Every country work together as a team and looked after there little kids very well. The countries that were there were Australia, Germany, China, U.S.A, South Korea, Brazil, Russia, France Cuba and Great Britain. Then we had an award ceremony. The gold medal was awarded to Brazil and the silver medal to Germany and the bronze medal went to Russia. These photos shows two of the events at the Mini Olympic.

By Cheyenne McRae

Monday, August 6, 2012

Term 3 Week 4

- Good luck to pupils competing at Polyfest on Wednesday
- PE gear on Thursday for Volleyball
- Homework Holidays: Kyle, Tristin, Chloe, Kirsten

Activity 1: Reading
- You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
- Record your nightly reading in the back of your book.
- Remember to read a variety of genre (novels, newspapers, newsletters, internet articles etc)

Activity 2: Spelling
- Learn your words for Friday's test
- Practice them each night for success!

Activity 3: Dragon Maths
Book 4 - page 101 'Studying Graphs'
Book 5 - page 101 'A Survey'

Activity 4 : Photograph Media Awards
-As part of our ICT Media Awards (which will be presented at the end of this term) I am looking for 2 outstanding photographs to enter.
- Take a variety of photographs of anything you choose (animal, nature, people ...)
- Think about the image size, shape, colour etc.
- The image CANNOT be altered in any way - keep it original.
- Choose your ONE best image to ADD TO YOUR BLOG and write a title/caption for it.

Activity 5: Speeches
- Your first draft should be completed by Wednesday.
- Read it aloud, edit and proofread as you go.
- Share your speech with an adult at home. Get them to time you and give you feedback. Your speech needs to be between 2 - 4 minutes. 
- We will start presenting our speeches NEXT Monday.