Room 10 Winton School

Monday, July 23, 2012

Last week everyone has been working hard to start their own blog. We made these blogs so we can put posts on about what we have been doing in class time. This week we are still working on them and putting more posts on about what we are doing.

This is Abbylee's blog

By Chloe Scurr


  1. WOW Room 10, blogs are looking awesome. Can't wait to read about what you are learning in the classroom. Olympics is just around the corner - What have you found out about the History of the Olympics already?

    Looking forward to reading your learning journeys. I think all room 3 students will enjoy reading & leaving comments too.

    Ms Mynes

  2. Enjoying reading Callum's blog & seeing where he has had views from around the world.
    Emma B
