Room 10 Winton School

Monday, September 17, 2012

Term 3 Week 10
- A huge congratulations to the following MADE award winners from our cluster with St Thomas's. These entries now go onto our cluster final. Still image: Ben and Adam. Manipulated image: Chloe. Documentary: Marshall's Creek (Callum, Damen, Charlotte, Kaitlin). These entries are also being entered into the national MADE awards also. Best of luck! 
- PE gear on Thursday for Volleyball (double session)
- Magazine design competition due Wednesday! 
- Bandana/Zumba mufti day Friday - gold coin donation
- Speech practice: Damen - only do Activity 1 -3
- Charlotte and Kaitlin - work on updating your Marshall's Creek blog and responding to posts. Only do Activity 1 -3.
- Homework holidays: Callum, Ashlee, Naythan, Cheyenne M

Activity 1: Reading
- You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
- Record your nightly reading in the back of your book.
- Remember to read a variety of genre (novels, newspapers, newsletters, internet articles etc)

Activity 2: Spelling
- Learn your words for Friday's test.
- Practice them each night for success!

Activity 3: Dragon Maths
Book 4 - page 73 Timetables
Book 5 - page 71 Time Problems

Activity 4: Personal blog update
1.    Write a post on camp. Include highlights, experiences, memories etc to engage your audience. Include a photo (either your own photo or one from the Room 10 folder - you will need to load this during class time if you choose this option)
2.  Write a constructive comment on the Marshall's Creek blog. This needs to be feedback or feedforward to Charlotte and Kaitlin. This blog is being viewed at the national MADE awards so your post needs to be constructive and spelt correctly!!
3.    Add your MADE awards still image AND manipulated image to your blog.

We all have a plate each and had got put in to groups
and we tested the acid level for:
Washing-up liquid
Sunscreen lotion
Lemon juice
Orange juice
Liquid soap

By Ashlee

Monday, September 10, 2012

Our Paralympics Game!

We had a go at the Paralympic Sport of 'Boccia' in PE. 
Boccia is a target sport that tests muscle control and accuracy, demanding extreme skill and concentration at the highest level.
Believed to have Ancient Greek origins, Boccia is a tough test of nerve, tactics and skill. Played on a rectangular court by individuals, pairs and teams, the athletes aim to land balls close to a target ball, across a series of demanding ends. The sport is similar to boules or petanque.
We had a great time playing this and did find it quite challenging!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Term 3 Week 6
- Thank you all, for a fantastic camp! Your behaviour and attitude was excellent! 
- Life Education: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week
- PE gear on Thursday for Volleyball
- Speech practice: Damen (no other Homework is required this week)

Activity 1: Reading
- You are expected to read for at least 10 mins each night.
- Record your nightly reading in the back of your book.
- Remember to read a variety of genre (novels, newspapers, newsletters, internet articles etc)

Activity 2: Spelling
- Learn your words for Friday's test. (Words incorrect from Monday's essential word test) 
- Practice them each night for success!

Activity 3: Dragon Maths
Book 4 - page 72 Measuring Time 
Book 5 - page 70 Time

Activity 4: Camp reflections:
If you were absent on Friday after camp, or you did not complete this in class. Please do in your draft writing book:

Camp Reflection…

1.   The best thing about camp was … (why)

2.   The best activity on camp was … (why)

3.   My favourite place on camp… (why)

4.   Something that challenged me on camp… (how)

5.   The funniest camp moment…

6.   Someone I got to know better on camp… (how)

7.   If I could change anything it would be… (why)

8.    For me, my best camp memory is… (because)

9. Add some illustrations to your reflection 

Activity 5: School Magazine cover
- Make your design creative, colourful, eye catching and relevant to Winton School.
- Photos, computer images, symbols, creative colour etc can be used!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Tech photos

Brook sewing up her scarf

Adam cutting up fabric for his hat

From the 28th of August to the 31st of August room 10 was at technology. half of the class were at woodwork with Mr Wilmot  and the other half were with Mrs Munro making scarfs and hats. Up above there is some photos of the people with Mrs Munro. 
Chloe cutting out her paper pattern.

This is 1 of our class speeches that is going through to the next round. But we have two people going though to the next round. This is Charlotte speech.